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Meniere's Disease -
A positive way to reclaim your life



I hope you found my video informative and gave some insight into important aspects of this enigmatic, complex disorder that doctors and patients often find frustrating and difficult. 


The medical profession has not yet developed an endolymphatic sacologist and active otoimmunobiologists are often impossible to find. In the interim, I have developed the "Stephen Spring Protocol" and is available upon request to selected people diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease. I provide an evidence and science based patient advocacy service within the context of an immunodulation protocol that has sought legal Patent protection. This process slowly addresses systemic dysfunctional immune responses commonly found in those with endolymphatic hydrops via a prescribing Doctor. It is based on numerous works by previous Doctors and researchers and of course, my own personal struggle and involvement with research. As at today's date, the resolution of my hydrops objectively measured by TTEcohG and Audiogramme from 60dB loss to near normal is very encouraging long term.


The programme is a confidential, proprietary, fee based programme requiring a prescribing authority or physician’s close involvement and tests to assist with medication and materials. In some countries, those tests and materials are not always obtainable or rebateable. Australians can access tests in Sydney and some can be Medicare rebateable. Your local GP is often the best person to obtain tests and referals and I can suggest health professionals in this regard.


It is my view that endolymphatic hydrops is a rare and unusual phenomenon resulting from a unique peculiarity of the human neuroimmune system and properties of its molecular components in particular sites including the otic capsule. In essence, endolymphatic hydrops is a multifactorial, degenerative condition and has multiple and often overlapping "causes". It requires individual attention that is only rightly within the purview of physicians with the knowledge, equipment, legal, ethical and privacy concerns that run with that profession including the overarching principle to cause no harm.


Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes for inner ear immune dysfunction and progress results for fragile, hydropic ears come with time frames from 6 months to 2 years or more.  Classical autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis and others commonly diagnosed in those with hydropic ears can complicate progress. Results will vary according to degenerative damage, previous trauma, surgical and medical interventions, willingness to complete tests and the programme and in some rarer cases, individual genetics. 


I subsidise the programme and time from other commitments; the fee offsets some of my costs and I currently limit the participants due to time constraints. Importantly, in an effort not to perpetuate internet myths and due to the complexity of an individual’s condition along with privacy laws and other legal constraints, I do not allow details to be posted on the internet. People on my programme agree upfront to not publically post specific details and only discuss with selected individuals, invariably family and medical professionals. It is my view that limited access to fragments of medical information can inadvertently put casual observers and their assisting physicians at risk that will remain long after the hydrops has been treated.


It is my view that whilst the internet has been an amazing global revolution, it is also responsible for some truly bizarre myths and confusion, especially in some very complex medical matters such as Meniere's Disease. I've seen support groups, faith based healers and well meaning, but anonymous advice givers offering numerous and often inappropriate "solutions". Over the years, I have seen my fair share of chiropractics, lifelong vitamin regimens, herbs, spices, homeopathy and quackery and such like suggestions to "treat" hydropic ears and others, some with the potential to harm. It is my view that cherry picking a few articles on PubMed and posting it on the internet like some do gives an impossibly narrow and hopelessly distorted view of what Meniere's Disease really is for any one individual.


If you have Meniere's Disease and are looking for free advice or comments or suggestions on how to be treated by one of the many types of treatments commonly suggested such as steroids, antivirals or surgery or are looking for a pop-a-few pills or supplements approach, this programme is not for you.


It is my hope that one day, emerging immune based therapies will be the mainstay of many inner ear disorders and be taught in medical schools. I wish there will evolve a recognition and need for dedicated Meniere's Disease clinics. I hope the work of Dr. Lindsay Wing, Prof Gibson and others from the Meniere's Research Fund at Sydney University, Helge Rask-Anderson, Irv Arenberg and others such as Jeffery Harris are recognised along with others who have slowly peeled back the layers of mystery in what can be a devastating, chronic condition.





Stephen Spring

Sydney, Australia - February 2016


The Endolymphatic Duct and Sac – Lo et al, AJNR 18 May 1997.

Stephen Spring Pre/Post Treatment TTEcohG

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